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ESG Portfolio Management
Manage your ESG exposure across your trading network
Our innovative platform provides an ESG assessment across your company’s subsidiaries and entire supply chain in real time.
How It Works
A simple 5-steps process, entirely online.
Register Online
Create a company profile, specify business activity, contact information, etc.
Expert Analysis
Our analysts will consolidate Assessment Reports from connected suppliers into a Portfolio Report
Build Connections
Connect with existing and potential suppliers to assess their ESG maturity levels.
Retrieve Supplier’s ESG Report
Assess individual supplier’s ESG results in comparison with peers.
Review ESG Portfolio Report
Monitor aggregated ESG portfolio performance. Screen supply chain risks, collaborate with suppliers, complete audit and improve performance.
Find The Plan That Fits Your Business
Showcase and manage your Portfolio performance across all entities.
Evaluate the performance of your upstream and downstream network for risks and opportunities.
Evaluate the performance of your whole business ecosystem for ESG risks and opportunities.
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